Turn your phone or tablet into a laboratory grade pH meter.
Hanna’s HALO2 Wireless pH Testers combine the best of both worlds, a pH electrode paired with Bluetooth® 5.0 Wireless Technology. Take laboratory grade pH measurements using a compatible Apple or Android smart device and the Hanna Lab App. Simple and convenient, test literally anywhere! These testers are perfect for collecting measurements out in the field, in a laboratory or classroom environment, or even as part of the food production process. With 15 styles to choose from for various industries, matching a HALO2 Wireless pH Tester to your testing needs is easy.
A pH tester for every application.
HALO2 Features

Universal Connectivity
Connect seamlessly to the Hanna Lab App via Bluetooth wireless technology and with our open-API software our HALO2 series can integrate directly with your current Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS).

One Button Sample Tagging
Pressing the button on the HALO2 pH probe or the probe icon in the Hanna Lab App will tag sample data for easy reference.

Easy-to-Replace Battery
HALO2’s CR2032 lithium ion battery is easily replaced and lasts for approximately 1,000 hours.

Easy Calibration
HALO2 can be placed right into our calibration buffer sachets for easy calibration. Using a Hanna calibration sachet ensures your buffer is always fresh.
Optional Open API Integrations
Hanna Lab App Views

Real-time Data
Displays updated pH and temperature every second.

Just the Essentials
Basic view provides measurement information in a clean, straightforward manner.

All Information on Display
Table view is able to display measurement, time and date, annotations, and alarm status in a continuously updated table.

Fluid, Dynamic Graphing
Graph view provides measurement information linearly. Graph axes may be expanded using pinch-to-zoom technology for enhanced viewing.

Data Logging

Data Logging
There are four ways to save and share data: all data since last auto-save, annotations only, all data within a timed interval, and annotations within a timed interval.

Export Data
Share data via email in PDF or CSV format.

Custom Annotations
Saved data points may be annotated with measurement specific information.
Data is automatically saved every hour.
GLP (Good Laboratory Practice)

Basic GLP
Displays date and time of current calibration along with probe offset and average slope. For tablet displays, basic GLP can also be displayed in table and graph views.

Full GLP
Displays date and time of current calibration, probe offset, and average slope along with calibrated buffers, mV values, temperature and slopes between each buffer. For tablet displays, full GLP can be also displayed in table and graph views.

Clear and Concise Calibration Screens
The Hanna Lab App allows for calibration of up to five points. The buffer value is automatically detected and temperature corrected to 25.0°C during calibration.

Calibration Reminder
Alerts users when HALO2 needs calibration.
Additional Features

Measurement Alerts
Readings that exceed user-defined alarm thresholds are highlighted in yellow on the measurement screen, graph, and table. Readings that exceed the probe specifications are highlighted in red.

Tap the gear icon in the top right corner of the measurement screen to access the Settings menu.

Help and Tutorials
The Hanna Lab App also features demo probe mode, general app information, general HALO2 information, pH tutorial, maintenance tutorial, and contact information.

Name, Battery Life, and Electrode Condition on Display
The measurement screen of the Hanna Lab App displays the name, battery life and condition of the HALO2 probe.
Find the one that works best for you:

HALO2 Wireless pH Tester for Lab
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HALO2 Wireless Refillable pH Tester for Lab
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HALO2 Wireless pH Tester for Field
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HALO2 Wireless Refillable pH Tester for Cosmetic Creams
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HALO2 GroLine Wireless pH Tester for Soil
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HALO2 Wireless Refillable pH Tester for Wine
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HALO2 Wireless pH Tester for Beer
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HALO2 Wireless pH Tester for Meat
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HALO2 Wireless pH Tester for Sushi
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HALO2 Wireless pH Tester for Chocolate
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HALO2 Wireless pH Tester for Bread & Dough
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HALO2 Wireless pH Tester for Cheese
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HALO2 Wireless pH Tester for Milk
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HALO2 Wireless pH Tester for Skin & Scalp
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HALO2 Wireless pH Tester for Leather & Paper
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