While varied, industrial applications all share a common thread of safety, standard method compliance, and quality assurance. Streamlining testing in industrial manufacturing processes from chemical manufacturing to monitoring effluent streams, facilitates you becoming industry leaders that can guarantee usability, accuracy, and excellence.
Chemical Manufacturing
In chemical manufacturing you have to comply with multiple industry standards depending on the end market of your product, and people expect that the concentration on the label of their chemical packaging to be accurate. Testing at multiple key points during the chemical formulation process enables you to maintain compliance, and guarantee quality products to your customers.
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Measuring Moisture in Polyols Blog
The purity of raw materials is essential for consistent polyurethane formulations. Learn how testing polyols helps to meet industry standards for determining the moisture content of polyols.

Plated objects and parts are used in almost every industry for safety, decoration, function, and sacrificial plating. Materials in plating can be expensive, and the last thing you want to do is waste a bath if it can be refreshed or reused. Testing throughout your process helps to achieve and maintain NADCAP accreditation, and it allows you to perfect your end product for desired thickness, finish, and color while avoiding potential pitfalls.
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How the Right Plating Devices and Services Can Help You Meet Regulatory Requirements and Certification Blog
When going through a certification process, audit, or acquiring new customers having the right tools will help you meet or exceed almost any requirement.

In an industry with so many regulations, it is imperative that you have careful monitoring of petroleum products from initial crude oil to finished products. Not only does testing benefit you with grading a product but it has environmental impacts as well. It has never been easier to test for moisture, maintain compliance with ASTM D664, chlorides, and more.
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Determination of Organic Chloride in Crude Oil Blog
While crude oil has high amounts of hydrocarbons, it also contains water, chloride salts and other impurities. A desalting process can remove many impurities. Learn more about testing for organic chloride and compliance with Standard Method ASTM D4929.

Water Treatment
Industrial operations historically released their waste into municipal and natural waterways with little regulation but high environmental consequences. Now, you have strict regulations on waste pretreatment and municipal compliance. There is a wide range of instrumentation to test all of your parameters both in-situ and automatically.
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Measuring pH in Stormwater from Construction Sites Blog
Particularly in urban areas, pollutant and nutrient-rich stormwater ultimately drains into sewers where it continues to a wastewater plant for treatment or into a natural body of water. However, that stormwater can wreak havoc once introduced to either municipal or natural systems.