The laboratory; the quintessential place of scientific learning, development, and discovery. Whether you run a large-scale laboratory or are in a classroom, the safety and integrity of your studies and instrumentation is of utmost importance. To comply with many standard methods, you must at least meet if not exceed Good Laboratory Practice requirements, and your instrumentation can get you there.
Scientific courses enable students to become the thinkers and discoverers of tomorrow. Education aids in guaranteeing advancements and conservation, and to do so teaching proper analytical testing techniques and methodology is key. Large class sizes and budgetary restrictions should never stand in the way of science education, from primary school to Ph.D., it no longer has to. There’s instrumentation to fit every need.
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Teaching pH in a University Laboratory Blog
Many graduating students, especially those with a focus on science, will need to measure pH in the course of their professional careers. Every student should have the chance to learn hands-on.

When in research it is essential to maintain critical parameters to control multiple variables with precision accuracy, and the utilization of analytical technology can assist in meeting and exceeding industry standards. Monitoring all necessary parameters ensures experimental accuracy when you work with instrumentation that gives you reliability, accuracy, and repeatability.
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Recreating Environmental Marine Parameters in Bacterial Growth Media Blog
In recent years, bioremediation has become popular as a means of environmental pollution cleanup, especially in marine environments. Learn how a laboratory worked to accurately mimic real-life conditions to study bacterial growth.