Water is one of the world’s most vital, and limited resources, and therefore needs to be monitored. Managing this resource, whether it be through drinking water management, environmental, waste water, or recreational use, allows us to react faster and more efficiently to changes. This brings us one step closer to keeping water clean, consistent, and safe.
Waste Water
Every step of the treatment process, from your influent to effluent, requires strict monitoring as different parameters at each stage will influence the treatment of wastewater. Everything from balancing water parameters such as pH to testing COD/BOD, we’ve got you covered.
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Testing pH and DO in a Wastewater Aeration Tank Blog
pH and dissolved oxygen are crucial parameters in many stages of the wastewater treatment process. Some stages require a lower pH, or higher dissolved oxygen, while others may require the opposite. Learn about a case where an operator was looking for a rugged and portable testing solution for their plant.

Drinking Water
Having potable drinking water is the imperative of any community. Whether a public system or private, you need to test your drinking water to have water that is clean and aesthetically palatable. To meet demand, from source to tap, there is a full range of testing potential.
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Featured Products for Drinking Water Treatment
What Fluoride is Doing in Water and How to Test It Blog
Fluoride has become a trending topic in newsfeeds everywhere. But, where does fluoride come from and how do you test for it? How important is fluoride really?

Environmental monitoring of water is our insurance to help detect changes early enough so that action can be taken. Environmental water quality testing is an excellent indicator of overall environmental health, and if remediation measures must be taken. There are a wide range of products to match your testing needs, whether it be quick spot checks to laboratory accuracy in the field.
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Guide to Environmental Water Quality Testing Blog
It is essential that we monitor water quality in the environment so that we can detect changes and take action as needed. This post will discuss key water quality measurements and how to calibrate in the field for the best results.

Your finned friends can be finicky when it comes to their optimal living conditions. Clear water in an aquarium does not mean that all is safe and sound, and parameters can shift very quickly where you can go from a lively tank to a dead tank if they are not corrected. Testing your aquarium takes the guesswork out of your aquarium’s water quality.
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Top Products for Aquarium Testing
Aquarium Water Testing and Why it Matters Blog
Aquarium keeping begins with proper water quality. Water may appear crystal clear and safe for fish, that cannot be assumed. Learn about optimal water parameters for both fresh and saltwater tanks.

Pools & Spas
There is nothing better than relaxing in a spa or cooling off in a pool on a hot day; until you see that the water is murky. Avoid issues with your pool/spa by testing its parameters often. Everything from temperature, to pH, to chlorine can greatly influence the state of your pool/spa. To make things even easier, there are automated options that test and correct your basic parameters.
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Top Products for Pool & Spa Water Testing
Using pH, ORP, and Temperature to Maintain Sanitation in Pools and Spas Blog
Using pH, ORP, and temperature to control the sanitation properties of a pool and/or spa is important in order to prevent microbial growth. Controlling these three parameters aids in optimizing the effectiveness of the chlorine.

Marine and freshwater aquaculture are a vital part of the world’s food supply chain, and as a source of species restoration, as more concern is placed on the health of wild seafood sources. As demand continues to rise, frequent parameter testing is needed in order for not only the hatchery success and health of the fish, but the health of the surrounding environment as well.
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The Value of Aquaculture Blog
Did you know that there are more than 70 aquaculture farms in Rhode Island? Aquaculture is the fastest growing segment of agriculture and is playing an important role in food production. In this article, we will discuss aquaculture and take a special look at a local aqua-farmer.