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12880 µS/cm Conductivity Standard (1 Gallon)
12880 µS/cm Conductivity Standard (1 Gallon)

12880 µS/cm Conductivity Standard (1 Gallon)


HI7030/1G is a premium quality 12,880 µS/cm conductivity standard that is prepared against a NIST traceable potassium chloride solution. Hanna conductivity solutions have the lot number and expiration date clearly marked on the label and are air tight with a tamper-proof seal to ensure the quality of the solution. Hanna's line of conductivity standards have been specially formulated to have an expiration of 5 years from the date of manufacture for an unopened bottle.

  • Temperature chart of the actual µS/cm value at various temperatures printed on each bottle
  • Air tight bottle with tamper-proof seal to ensure quality
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HI7030/1G 12880 µS/cm Conductivity Standard (1 Gallon) Reviews