pH/ORP Module
$179.99pH/ORP module (HI6000-1) is designed to be used with the Multiparameter Modular System.
- Get precise results by measuring pH or mV with temperature compensation, ensuring accuracy despite temperature changes
- Save time and reduce errors with application-specific profiles allow quick and direct measurements.
- Keep track of all your measurements with active logging
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Simple GLP view
The Simple GLP screen shows more than the Basic option. It adds the last calibration date and time, Offset value, average slope (Avg. Slope), and electrode condition (Condition).

Log recall and sharing
Manage your own measurement data—view, delete, or share it. Data can be seen in tables (with date, time, and notes) or as graphs. Logs can be shared via USB, FTP, web server, or email.

Alarm configuration
Alarm configuration lets users set high and low limits. If measurements exceed these limits, an alarm triggers with a visual and optional sound alert.
Specification Name Detail Sku HI6000-1 pH Range −2.0 to 20.0 pH; −2.00 to 20.00; pH −2.000 to 20.000 pH pH Resolution 0.1 pH; 0.01 pH; 0.001 pH pH Accuracy ±0.1 pH; ±0.01 pH; ±0.002 pH; (±1 last significant digit) Calibration Points Up to 5 Calibration Type Automatic; Semiautomatic; Manual Standard Buffers Hanna and NIST (pH 1.68, 3.00, 4.01, 6.86, 7.01, 9.18, 10.01, 12.45) Custom Buffers Up to 5 Custom Group Option to select from eight standard buffers and user-defined custom buffers First Calibration Point Offset or Point (user setting) Isopotential Point −2.000 to 20.000 pH mV Range −2000.0 to 2000.0 mV mV Resolution 1 mV; 0.1 mV mV Accuracy ±0.2 mV ±1 last significant digit mV Calibration Single point offset, ±2000.0 mV Temperature Range −20.0 to 120.0 °C; −4.0 to 248.0 °F; 253.2 to 393.2 K Temperature Resolution 0.1 °C; 0.1 °F; 0.1 K Temperature Accuracy ±0.2 °C; ±0.4 °F; ±0.2 K Temperature Calibration Single point, adjustable Reading Mode Direct; Direct/Autohold Basic View Measurement data; Measurement profile (if enabled); Stability status Simple GLP View Basic view information; Last calibration date, slope, offset (pH) Full GLP View Simple GLP information; Calibration point details (pH & ISE) Graph View Basic view information; Measurement versus time graph Table View Basic view information, Table with measurements updated every second - Product Manuals