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Digital PVDF Body Foodcare pH Electrode for Meat Products
Digital PVDF Body Foodcare pH Electrode for Meat Products
Digital PVDF Body Foodcare pH Electrode for Meat Products

Digital PVDF Body Foodcare pH Electrode for Meat Products


The FC2320 is a digital PVDF body, gel filled pH electrode with a built-in temperature sensor for temperature compensated measurements in a single probe design. This probe features a 3.5 mm connector designed exclusively to be used with Hanna Instruments edge® Tablet Meters.The FC2320 electrode features a built-in microchip that stores sensor type, serial number, and calibration information. It also features an open junction design with viscolene gel electrolyte, a sensing bulb made of low temperature glass, and a conical tip shape.  This design consideration is ideal for pH measurements in samples such as meat and semi-frozen food samples. The recommended operating temperature range is from 0 to 60°C.

  • Built-In Microchip
  • Conical Glass Tip
  • Open Reference Junction
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